About The World Incorporated

Travel the world with a full time job.

The World Incorporated is a travel blog that encourages the everyday workaholic to depart from their desk and maximize their vacation time to travel the world. Yes, it is possible to travel the world with a full time job. Yes, there are ways to incorporate more travel into your busy working world. 

By maximizing vacation days, rendezvousing for weekend getaways, and optimizing travel, it is possible to have fulfilling and life-changing travel experiences.

The World Incorporated Mission.

To incorporate travel in your working world.

To have a flourishing career and fulfilled travel habits.

To depart from the desk, even if it’s just a week at a time.

To end vacation shaming.

To discourage work martyrdom.

To fight for more PTO.

To prove that a power trip is a good thing.

To travel like a boss.

Let’s work hard and travel harder.

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